>>44307671This is what I understand
>Event runs from 10am to 8pm local time Saturday and Sunday>On Saturday "Habitats" cycle every hour in a set order between fire, grass, water, battle, and friendship>Your starting habitat depends on your timezone, and you can experience each habitat twice during the ten hour paid event>There is premium special research (as ever, you're paying to work for some extra goodies)>Spawns will probably be inflated for ticket holders, so they can enjoy more shinies and more unown (pay to win)>During the "friendship" habitats or steps of the special research you're encouraged to save your gift interactions until that time, presumably opening gifts will have special rewards>The Sunday event is supposed to be a surprise, but it's presumably going to be a "Take Victini back from Go Team Rocket" event.I'm still weighing if this is worth my $15 or not too. When does New Zealand start the event?
Or is Niantic going to fuck this up and forget that there are parts of the world that operate on earlier time zones than America?