Paint dude here.
When making cave maps, there are a LOT of things that can help make it much easier for the cave map maker. I'll share my thoughts and it might help you guys.
On each cave map, you have two 'levels' - the ground level, and the 'raised' level. The raised level is the part of the map on the high plateaus, usually accessible by stairs (like in the map attached).
When making maps, the mapmakers use the raised level as borders for the ground level. In maps like
>>22545019, the raised level is completely inaccessible. On maps like the one attached and
>>22545087, the raised level is accessible using stairs.
Also, when making maps, you must start at the lowest or highest floor of your cave/dungeon and work your way back to the entrance level.
So how does this help?
Say you have a three-floor cave - you enter at F1, go through BF1 and exit at BF2. In this instance, you start making your design by creating BF2 first.
Make your basic square dungeon map and, using the 'raised level' plateaus, create a little maze through that map. You can add stairs to access the raised level. You can add raised plateaus that are only accessible by coming down from BF1. At all times, understand that the raised plateaus are the borders that create your maze on the map.
You can then add water, ledges, strength rocks and more to make the map diverse. Once you have built BF2, and added your stairs, BF1 can be tackled.
I hope that makes sense...