>>47976754> Espeon slowly nods, and from the little glow in her forehead gem, you can tell that thoughts are whirling around her smarter-than-you head. After second, an adorable, cat-like smile forms on her muzzle. “I want to try.”> Want to try?“Try what?” You ask.
> “A kiss!”> For the second time in just a couple minutes, she throws you for a loop.“Huh…” The only other Pokémon you have is Sylveon, Espeon’s sister, and while the fairy Pokémon isn’t shy with her emotions or affections, you’re not sure that she would be willing to kiss her sister just to satisfy idle curiosity. “Well, pitch it to Sylvi and see what she says.”
> Espeon shakes her head. “Not with her. You!”You did NOT blush, the sudden heat on your face is because the room is hot. “O-Oh. Uh. Are you sure? That’s not… what I was expecting.”
> Amusement dances in her shiny eyes. “Obviously. Do you agree?”> You hesitate. Of course you’ve heard of trainers and Pokémon doing… things, but-> You shake your head. No, don’t make this weird. Like a lot of brainy Pokémon, Espeon’s interest is most likely academic. Probably.“I suppose it can’t hurt,” you murmur, quietly kicking yourself when your voice comes out much more unsure than you intended.
> Espeon’s eyes practically glitter as she stands up on your chest and steps closer. She settles on you again, her paws on your shoulders. Even with the tuft of thick fur on her chest, you can feel that her heart is pounding as hard as yours.> She leans in, her face now taking up your vision and her breath tickling your lips. She stops just short, as if hesitating, then she mashes her lips to yours.