>>51539629To the people that kept recomending "Welcome to the (insane) world of Pokémon", thanks, its pretty good, on the other hand its also pissing me the fuck off
Where the fuck did this "You're looking for danger" shit came from? He was quite literally shat at every oportunity by every world threat that was nearby and pressured into accepting suicide jobs at every turn, then chapter 93 comes its the purple bitch was like "You're self-destructive, dude"
Like, really bitch? You send him inside a facility when the outside already looked like a satanic ritual took place, where all the clues hinted at world threating pokemon experiments happening and now you're like "you should talk to a therapist, man, im worried about you"
I also love and hate that this whole fic is just one giant survival horror story, absolutely everything is above his weight class but his own weapons and pokemon just "stall" the enemies, everyone is just better than him in every capacity and he is just lucky to be alive even through he's somehow also almost revolutionary when it comes to move creation, but even if that's the case that just puts him on the "Lucky to be alive" tier against his threats, i don't like it when everyone can dab on the protagonist