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legpiss should have been an actual sequel instead of a half-assed sequel/remake hybrid. just think of what they could have done to make it actually worth the $60:
>kanto fully redesigned to modern standards, no more game boy grid maps
>all of the scrapped pokemon from the beta (i.e. gorochu, ohmega, bloonder, etc.) are brought back for real
>missingno finally becomes an official pokemon. they even could make it an ultra beast to tie it in with gen 7.
>red, green and leaf are grown adults and we get to see what they're doing now. for example, they could have oak retire and red take over as the new professor.
>team rainbow rocket shows up and pulls some more shit
>the sevii islands stay in the game, and the orange islands are also added to the game - along with all the regional forms from the orange islands anime
once again, another shining example of how game freak has wasted the potential of this franchise.