Tierno patches Roserade's glabella with a smiley face band-aid. Her faint narrows the Triple Battle down even further, but you've still got a while to go before either of these boys will admit defeat. Talonflame for example, is the next mon that stands in your way.
Tierno jabs a finger into himself with soulless smile, "CRUSH-IT CALEM, WE'RE CRUSH-IT BROS, SO I'LL BE HONEST AND ADMIT THAT MY EPIC TALONFLAME DOESN'T HAVE GALE WINGS. YEAH! It has Flame Body, YEAH! Just try attacking it, you'll get...BURNED! GNARLY!"
"Doesn't have Gale Wings? Huh. That's a big load-off. Alrighty then Pumpkaboo, looks like you're fit for survival, I think I'm gonna go the risky route and keep you in instead of switching out, y'know? It just feels right."
Tierno claps his hands like a fucking Dewgong, "WHOOOOAAAAA, CALEM, what a risky dingo you are! I don't think I've ever been THIS pumped up outside of DANCING!! And I've done a ton of dancing! But I'll save that for another epic time, Talonflame, use Flare Blitz, YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!"
"Talooooooooooooooooo!" with the dubbed over voice of a retarded turkey, Talonflame gobbles incoherently and soars downward, an aura of flame developing around his hot wings.
Pumpkaboo fidgets as the bird draws near at top speeds. This isn't the first Talonflame she's gone up against before, but fuck if it isn't terrifying. At least this one doesn't have any sign of priority.
>Defeat Talonflame!A) Use Shadow Ball!
B) Use Charge Beam!
C) lol just use rock slide it's a fucking talonflame not the messiah