>>17970591"Question: How do I get these medieval skanks to tell me what I want to know?"
Anina thinks back to her times as a qt hostess, and ultimately settles on an answer derived from an experience she once had with Hex Maniac Carrie.
>"Hey Anina!~ Do you wanna know what I heard the other day?">"H-Huh, w-what?">"I hear that if you get a tip shoved in your boobs the right way, it means the guy is totally into you and it releases this hormone in your body called Gentlefem that makes you feel extremely horny with your customer, like on a real one-on-one level!~ Desdemona says you can make more money that way!">"W-Wha? R-Really?""Uh, Anina? Hellooooo? Earth to Anina?"
Anina snaps out of her memory banks and back to you. For what it's worth, she never did release any Gentlefem during her time as a hostess, and that's probably because she hasn't tried it with 'the one' yet.
"...C-Calem c-can you stick a dollar i-in my b-b...b-breasts?"
A) Stick a dollar in those flat cups, champ.
B) Utilize her advice on Whoral Design
C) Utilize her advice on Chocolotto
D) Utilize her advice on Ye Olde Used Goods