>>52608494The Fighting Cup always seemed like a stupid concept to me. It's not like the Flying Cup where there is so much diversity in moveset and typing that even glass cannons like Aerodactyl can dominate due to a good combination of both. Regardless, Niantic refused to allow Medicham and Gallade during the cup's debut, and also removed the main bug-type and the dragons, removing even more diversity in the meta, leaving attack-weighted Toxicroaks to reign over the meta unchallenged.
What's the point in even having a type cup if the rock-paper-scissors element is so one-dimensional? Was it just to create an easy divide between competent players and incompetent players? OGL and Fighting Cup seem like a complete mess right now, makes me wonder if I'll actually be better off with Ultra League even though I don't have more than a couple good players built for that league.