>DusknoirDuskull's been my bro, but it all went wrong with Dusclops. Luckily, Dusknoir revived that love.
>BanetteIt's honestly one of my favorite mons, up with Dusknoir.
>MismagiusI like the whole witch-esque aesthetic.
>DrifblimI like balloons, I like ghosts. What else is there to say?
>TrevenantIt's generally a mon I like, quickly became a bro once I used it.
>M-SableyeI like Sableye, so to see it getting a mega? I like it.
>>31946027Oh, we're doing themes? Might as well post mine, then:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntt5-y50yi4Either way, 5/6.