Ok, Normid got Nuked
and by Nuked I mean it was a pyrrhic victory. He killed 4 / 6 of my team and fucking one shotted Myxomycota from full health after she had taken slaking down to the red like three times!
I made some bad mistakes involving Ajax, I swpped him out against vigoroth for no reason and let Ormal Solrock die to feint attack. Then I left him in with 1 HP after Linoode because I foolishly believed he would go first and one shot Slaking. Betty Azumaril failed to hit with Rollout twice, I should have swapped her out when I knew that would fail but instead she died. Myxomycota remained the MVP of the run and without him I would have lost this Jim. If it weren't for Normid's 2nd (3rd?) Hyper Potion she didn't need to die.
Luckily I have a fairly full box and now with surf acess to some new routes in order to re-build my teem in preparation for the bird bitch but loosing Solrock is a pretty big blow. I got Baltoy in the desert and Sandshrew in the tower btw so not great for BirdBitch but I also have like a slugma in the box so I think I can assemble a team.
>>46103320>my first Gen 1 run!Do z00mers really?
>>46103320>what to expecTo be annoyed by terrible QoL issues. The fucking bag is like 25 items big, also beedrill, wrap, and psychic in general is OP. Pikachu is meh but I think he's buffed in Yellow don't remember usually I play Red (Fire Red that is fuckin Red has QoL issues)
>>46102891>>46102724Okay, is it gen1 time now? Fuck nowi'm honestly getting nostalgic for that shit
>>46101934Holy Based! I know exactly what you mean about 'emulator on autopilot' lmao but be careful that's when the stoopid deaths occur
>>46101766Nice Jumplooof bro mine always die before it evolves
>>46101392Based Amelia and retard names
>>46101614cring Ring and Flappy names
>>46100947>I'd love to use clefable or blisseyAfter my recent SnorHax experience I've come to LOVE fat tanky normal types but you're right that they only fill a niche. Can't have too many of them :(