>>28521458you've always met me through an online persona I called "Tail Lover" or "ILoveTails"
The entire point of those accounts were to talk about tails, so it makes sense you'd only see me talk about tails. Recently I found that having that as a name while talking about other things, people only really notice me when I mention tails, and I tended to talk too much, and it caused me some emotional stress from people I thought I could consider friends. So I killed my accounts, and I no longer talk about tails on those accounts. THis happened mostly in more live chat channels. I'm still open to anonymous message boards, though it won't be as common.
To talk more about myself and other interests. I am a pretty heavy gamer with most of my free time going to games of various genres and the internet. I like to play games with others more than myself, and like to travel to my old university I graduated from to meet up with people and play fighting games. Just recently I got hired for an IT call center job at IBM that I will begin next wednesday, with that I plan to use the money to save up for a condo in the city while living with my family, and use extra money to travel and meet new people to play games with and get out more and explore.
At the end of the day, I'm mostly a normal gaming geek with a tail fetish I keep seperate from my real life. I did get too crazy talking about tails, but I met some invaluable friends. With this new job starting next week I'm excited to take my life to the next step, and we'll see where it goes from here.
For now, let's get back on this particular topic, if you would like to chat more, let me know and we can talk somewhere more appropriate.