>>54158715Like anon said, you need to choose between Goodra and Calyrex, and have something like Bibarel (+ maybe Skwovet) to draw.
Decks generally play 11 supporters max, I'd cut the Candices, Iridas, and Klare, and add in 3 Ionos.
VIP seems bad here since you're not trying to set up a huge board and you have no ways to reliably discard it later on, replace them with 2 more nest balls. Add 2 more hyper balls too, and remove a heavy ball and super rod. Cross switcher and energy search don't seem particularly useful either, even if you keep Irida.
I don't know if 7 water is enough to reliably attack with Goodra Vstar on turn 2, maybe add in a Squawkabilly and collapsed stadium?
You could also try some Strange Behavior Slowbro + Cheryl if you want to go deeper on tanking.