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So, here's mine... In a Doubles or Triples battle, does Tailwind come into effect immediately or do you have to wait for the turn after?
I'm trying a Triples strategy in the Maison, with Megazard-Y for sun and strong Heat Waves, Heatran for sun-boosted Eruption, and Talonflame for a priority Tailwind to boost their speed. What I'd do is immediately attack with the other two, and then use Tailwind all on the first turn. But in one match, I was not paying attention and I saw that an Escavalier managed to outspeed Heatran and I have no idea how. Then again, I wasn't sure if it used a priority move or anything. Either way, I just want to know if Tailwind should be working like I think it should: Priority Tailwind goes first before everyone, then Megazard-Y and Heatran immediately receive their doubled speed and hopefully attack before the opponents. Does it work like that?