>>38514076Yes but that's Angry Birds vs Pokemon
>>38514085>Unless you're saying that cinema owners are retarded and show movies no one buys tickets for.Of course there are spergs and fanboys who will see movies multiple times, but movies play to near-empty houses all the time. I saw Captain Marvel a few days before Endgame came out, and there were less than ten other people in the audience with me. Most films experience a 40% decrease in box office sales on their second weekends:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_weekend_in_box_office_performance> a franchise with yearly video games and merchandise in every possible shape or form is bigger than MarvelAre you silly in the head? Marvel typically has three major live-action movies per year, and their characters are merchandised waaaaay more than Pokemon is these days. The only time Pokemon was merchandised as much as Marvel is now was in the mid-1990's. Pokemon does have a 12-year lead on the Marvel Cinematic Universe itself, but it still outperforms Spider-Man, who is Marvel's most popular character, since his creation. Pokemon's sales are ahead of Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse & Friends, and Star Wars in that order: