>>20691081Well I normally don't use legends when I battle and I never really trained a rotom or t-tar either.
My team is scizor, gyarados, archanine, M-gardevour, crobat, and I swap out garchomp and lucario.
Gyarados is my second favorite pokemon. I thought it was cool when I saw it in the show and it worked well in the game, so I use one when ever I can.
Gardevour is my 3rd favorite and the very first psychic pokemon I ever used since i was too stupid to figure you could catch abra by tossing a pokeball and without battling.
Crobat is on my team because it would constantly save my ass during my first nuzlocke on sapphire.
Archanine is a more personal choice. My dog died and I breed one and named it after my dog Kahn.
Lucario and garchomp are mainly on my team because I think they are good pokemon but even I admit I tend to use them as a buffer for my last slot because they are so good.