>>36175204>Bulbasaur... has noticeable advantages over ExeggutorNo it doesn't. Exeggutor is literally the only decent grass-type in gen 1, almost entirely despite its grass typing (it gets Sleep Powder, wow). It's good because it gets (and resists) Psychic and it explodes. Venusaur only has slightly more speed (not enough to outspeed any of the game's real threats) and is weaker in every other way.
>Calling Fire worthless in Gen 1, then advocating for a Grass/Poison typeVenusaur's strongest Grass move is Razor Leaf, at an astounding 55 base power. It doesn't even get an offensive Poison-type move (the strongest one is Sludge, base 65). Poison is weak to Psychic, and Grass is weak to Blizzard (both of these are arguably the strongest moves to ever exist in a pokemon game for their time).
Fire type is bad, but it at least gets Flamethrower and Fire Blast. Poison has NOTHING and Grass only has a single status move worth using.