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This is a story I've wanted to tell for a long time but haven't had a good place to tell it, but if we're talking about old pokemon we love here's a story.
>Be me 7 years old
>get my first pokemon game, ruby
>Choose mudkip cause its cute, and I really liked cute things, (Still do)
>Name it Mudy, in a 7 years olds shitty attempt and spelling muddy
>My friend also had ruby
>He shows me what mudkip evolves into
>fuck that
>keep it as a cute little mudkip forever
>Years pass
>Eventually get it to level 100
>By this time DPP has come out
>I have a ds and a wii
>Start using my pokemon ranch
>Store lots of pokemon there, including Mudy
>Learn about action replay. Get one use it all the time
>Eventually find some AR code to get a deoxys or something
>Theres a litte note next to it on the forum I found it
>"Will change OT to GOLD"
>Think what ever, who cares about original trainer name
>Use it
>Eventually go to withdraw a pokemon from the ranch
>You can't take these pokemon, they belong to "Anon" not "GOLD"
>Because of that code several hundred of my pokemon are stuck on my wii for ever
>including my very first pokemon
Because I can no longer access Mudy for battling or anything else in the main series, he might as well be dead.
And you know what's the saddest part? What's the generic thing you tell children when their pets die? They went to live on a farm/ranch[/spoiler:lit]