>>55349302>it sucks that TPC was obsessed with gimmicks that would eventually have to shut down and be replaced with nothingFixed that for you.
We bust your chops pretty hard I'll admit, but you Kalosperms don't realize how good you have it sometimes. I think G6 is the only generation that didn't have some sort of missable out-of-game content/connectivity besides the typical Mystery Gift timed event garbage.
G1 & G2 had N64 connectivity, G2 also had some Japan-exclusive mobile phone shit and IR sensor Mystery gift connectivity, G3 had the E-Reader and the Gamecube connectivity, G4 had the PokeWalker, the GBA Dongle, and Wii connectivity, G5 had the Global Link, the Dream Radar, the Dreamworld, and brought back the IR sensor connectivity... With G6 all you really had to deal with was PokeBank. Hell, even G7 had that QR sensor crap that I'm sure would've been limited time if TPC could've made it happen.
The connectivity gimmicks are fun and memorable during their time, but once the services shut down or require cfw/piracy or shelling out to an eBay scalper to access it becomes an incredibly frustrating process to try and replicate.