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Welcome, one and all to my Shiny Skarmory Boogaloo!
Today I have 34 Shiny Skarmorys courtesy of Rynn to give out to all of you wonderful people. I hatched it myself and Rynn was kind enough to clone me an army. Details of the bird here:
Species: Skarmory
Nature: Impish
Ability: Sturdy
IV: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (pentaperfect)
Shiny: Indeed
Egg Moves: Stealth Rock, Brave Bird, Whirlwind
Ball: Heavy
Kalos born, of course.
All are nicknamed Mint, but if you want something different, make sure to let me know!
Rules to receive one:
-Post a disc on the gts requesting a Skarmory
-MAKE SURE that your post includes your IGN
-No IGN, no Mint
-And finally, make sure to be a good owner
If you guys say thanks, please also thank Rynn for taking the time to clone so many for us. Let the Boogaloo begin!