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Here's my team, I ended up going 18-7 because I wasn't able to get my full ten games in today. I mainly brought breloom, starmie, and m-sableye but all six of my mons were used and they usually were able to do their job. I realized by day two that I had a huge weakness to magnezone and gardevoir. A few of my losses could have been wins if I had played better but others were losses because the other person's team just countered mine or I ran into stupid japanese teams that only work for the surprise factor. Here's a few of the better replays I have
One of my favorite matches, I thought I had it lost until m-sableye did what it does best
If I had played more aggresively with aggron I may have been able to win. Or if hax didn't rear it's ugly face
First m-mence I faced
Reminder of how terrifying mega mawile is
I would have lost if not for scarf latios