>>33768334>Food for thought, assuming humanity does not take their tech with them. If humans are replaced, what happens to their devices? Would a Pokémon capture another Pokémon?Let's pretend humanity never became dominant and instead just became one of the many species on the world- in turn, sneasel and weavile became dominant. Tech would still go on as usual but with some differences thanks to their smaller bodies. Automobiles, for example, would likely stay a novelty but trains would be insanely popular. Could they develop something like the Pokeball? Well, there's certainly nothing stopping them and the first Pokeball were nothing but hollowed out, specially set up Apricorns. With their claws, something like that would be easy to do.
The other question, would Pokemon capture others of their kind? It depends but the main point on this one is by this point, if one species becomes dominant, ale humanity, would they still see themselves as Pokemon or would they see themselves as something better? Something higher?
If they do, then they'd have zero problems doing the same thing humans do in-universe. With regards to the certain species, which includes the example, this would be the most likely case. Dark-types are not known for philanthropy but pragmatism and deception. If the dominant species were Psychic, it may be different but again, put in those shoes- why should they treat beings with lesser minds as equals?
This is a more common idea than one thinks.