>>54387251>>54384862Okay, time for the first Gym Battle.
>Vs Roark>GeodudeKinguin takes it out with Water Gun.
>OnixSets up Stealth Rock, Water Gun brings it all the way down to Sturdy.
Roark uses a potion but doesn't top it off, so the next Water Gun KOs.
>CranidosHeadbutt causes a flinch and does over half Kinguin's health, forcing me to switch into Lil' Abner, who takes a headbutt and SR Damage. He's down to about half health.
I have Abner go for Revenge next, but Cranidos doesn't play ball and uses Leer instead, and thus lives the hit with red health. I'm pretty sure a Headbutt could KO Abner, but I have no good switch to make, so I stay in.
Luckily, Roark uses a potion, leaving me free to get the KO with Low Sweep(which I really should've used over Revenge in the first place)
>>54384142Still havent figured out how to implement Phione.