I literally don't think there's a single new type they can add
Anonymous No.25188205 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Seriously. People bring up the idea of new types all the time, but when asked what types those would be, suddenly no one can give an answer.
"idk...sound maybe," they mumble. Or, "ADD THE WOOD AND GLASS TYPES!!1!!!" And I think the reason is, sadly, that there's NOT anything left. There are only so many things you can make a type out of, and there's nothing left
Many commonly-suggested types wouldn't work.
Light: Y'know, Fairy still isn't exactly popular, so people are too butthurt to admit it, but Fairy IS the Light type. If they added Light, suddenly that raises nasty questions like, "Why is Dazzling Gleam a Fairy move? Why are Togekiss and Gardevoir Fairy types? Why aren't Lanturn and Espeon Light types? Why is Fairy super effective against Dark?" Best to leave it.
Sound: I think most of us know it would kinda be a dumb idea. It would certainly WORK as a type, yes, but that doesn't mean it should be added.
Nuclear/Radioactive: Name a single existing pokémon that could be typed this. I dare you.
Magic: Covered by Fairy. Pokémon are also inherently magical, so Magic would only be useful for mages or wizards or whatever -- It's not enough. I would love to make Mismagius, Delphox and Musharna part Magic, but three pokémon does not justify it.
Virtual/Cyber: This is not Digimon. The number of creatures that would work for this type is miniscule.
Mystic/Cosmic/Space: Seriously? Extraterrestrial or mystical pokémon are generally Psychic types. What sort of element is "Mystic"? What are there like, 10 pokémon, if that, that come from space? What would "Cosmic" be super effective against? Please.
Jewel/Gem: This one I came up with. Many existing pokémon could be retyped to it, surprisingly. But I know it's a stupid idea -- It certainly WORKS, but just like Sound, adding something solely because it functions is not a good idea.
Wood/Glass/Wind/Rainbow/Plasma/Cloud: lol.
Please prove me wrong. I don't want to be stuck with the same 18 types for eternity.