>>39046071>Despite how much faggots like you go on about it being "a core feature" the games have NEVER made it a core point to transfer pokemon from past gens forward to enjoy the main experience.is that why it was always a feature until recently, except for the one time the gba's technical issues prevented it?
you can't claim the national dex isn't a core feature when that's what the postgame has always been built around. without the national dex, they've now gimped battle facilities, online battles, and breeding.
>Also, claiming all 151 Kanto mon are locked is speculation.no it isn't. it's reality based on game freak's business model after the backlash to gen 5. KANTOOOOO will always get extra special treatment from now on because game freak is afraid of pissing off genwunners. it's already been shilled harder than any other region in the trailers.
>There will certainly be a substantial number of them, but there will still be far more pokemon in general besides them.they will outnumber all the other generations including the new one, just like they did in gens 6 and 7.