>>37447050Ooh ok, I get you. It might be tougher since Tsareena's torso is a lot shorter than a person's, but there's still some things I think you can do to help show that it's a roundhouse.
First, the leaf-hair is at a resting position, but you can use it to help show motion in a way that suggests that Tsareena did the spin that led to the kick. As is, it mostly just makes me think it's standing still (if you were to erase the kicking leg, you pretty much have a standing Pokemon). Secondly, I think the torso should rotate so that the shoulder closest to the viewer is closer to the front of the chest. Where it is now, it also just makes it look like it's standing still, with the other arm kinda looking like a salute? I think you can also still tilt the body away from where the kick is going to help it.
Pic related is my attempt, granted I don't think it's perfect, but hopefully this would help you.