So, the castle and the garden is based on Versailles, right? So I did a bit of research. Remember how a NPC in the game said something about certain times when the park should be visited? Look at this:
"According to Mukerji, the importance of the gardens to Louis XIV's reign was underscored by the king's direct involvement in how the gardens were to be laid out and experienced by visitors.
"The king had strict ideas on how visitors should see the gardens. The itineraries, penned by the king himself, prescribed where people should walk, how they should turn, what statues they should admire, and what views they were meant to appreciate," said Mukerji. "These promenades where no romps in the park; they were formal affairs with food and rest spots set out along the route. They required absolute obedience of participants to the itineraries of the king, and somehow were meant to inform their assessments of the king and his court. The promenades constituted an important, if obscure means for doing politics." there is a clue somewhere in the history of Versaille or Louis XIV, also known as the Sun God