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Upon a pallet we may choose the shades and hues with which we craft and color the canvas of life. We all begin with a blank slate upon which we may profess our essence. Some of us have different colors. Others still cannot paint a tree for never having saw one. But though our capabilities and experiences differ, we still remain the masters of our fate, and the captains of our souls. We all start in Pallet Town.
But here's the thing, paint isn't made to stay on a pallet, any more than a canvas is made to remain blank. We must make the first brush strokes. It's terrifying. Here's the thing, there's only one canvas. If you fuck this one up, there's no going back. You can try to wipe some of the color off or paint over your mistakes, but there will always be a stain to remind you that your painting, like your life, isn't perfect. We all started in Pallet Town, but we've ventured beyond the the safety of confined potential.
We've started our grand adventure, and before we knew what hit us we made it all the way to Viridian! No longer is the canvas sharp, white and perfect. Our perception has been permeated irrevocably; our world view colored. We've left the incubators of public schooling in which our lives were given direction under the auspices of benevolent authority. No longer is the extent of our cognizance circumscribed within limits of our guardian's watchful gaze. We've gone beyond speaking only of potential. We still talk of potential, yes, but also of the present and the past. We're learning to use our wings, and with HM02 can now fly to Viridian. The canvas is marked.