>>20616757>Pokemon: Sharpedo>Nickname: Sharpedo>Level: 100>Nature: Naughty>Ability: Speed Boost>Game of Origin: Whatever works>Pokemon Gender: Female>Shiny: No>Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter>Specific pokeball: Dive Ball>Date of Creation: Doesn't matter>IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31>EV's: None>Moves: Destiny Bond and Hydro Pump are all that matter>OT Gender: Doesn't matter>TID / SID: Doesn't matter>OT: Doesn't matterOkay shit I'm posting this again because I didn't add my offers the first time, like a dick. I've got shit tons of leftover Tyrunts, Snubbulls, Panchams, Rhydons, and Chespins. I also have a hexaflawless shiny egg move Tyrantrum, if you want it. I can also provide a Heart Scale if you so wish.
I greatly appreciate any and all help with Sharpedo, thank you!