Pokémon: Donphan
>Nickname: Kimbie>Level: 100>Shiny: Nah>Gender: Male>Ability: Sturdy>Language: Jap>--Moves-->Ice Shard>Seed Bomb>Earthquake>Stealth Rock>Nature: Jolly>IVs: 31 everything>EVs: 252 ATK//252 SPD//6 HP>OT Name: Seamus>OT Gender: Male>ID/SID: Anything>Pokéball: Moon Ball>Origin game: HGSSthankyou soooooooo much in advance. for real. would be insane if anyone could do this. if i'm not online by the time it gets done, hit me up at
[email protected]in return i've got a couple decent lvl 100 kyurems, scolipedes..
ty so much whoever xoxox