a'ight, so here's the story, /vp/
i made a thread about trainers getting fucked by the most recent pokemon they released
>>29422962and then this one motherfucking newfag comes along
>"Level 1 Mawile">"Released her for being Lonely instead of Adamant">"in hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have done that”>“praying that she can't go Mega on me"and the thread is utterly derailed because shitlords keep trolling and newfag keeps responding
so I made a new thread
newfag protests while more shitlords come back to meme about mawile
so i decided to make a thread about newfag's budding mawile romance
So here's the golden question: should newfag get his nonconsensual ass pegged by a Level 1 Lonely Mawile, or no?