>>28341577Yes i hope they fix it too.
When i am and pass an instinct gym that a slot open, i usually just cripple it, cap its kneecap by knocking it from 4000 to 3750 to make normies not want to bother training, though im under the impression most dont understand the concept of training
>>28339167>Also, what does spawn in your room, you lucky bastard?Usually just shitmons, two spawns by the two stops off my balcony are common/uncommon
The one that requires walking down the hallway to the pokestop on other end of block/building. le highrise.
Varies from uncommon to very rare, got lickitung gengar seals magnimite etc. Also a ton of ppl (in their mid 20's to mid/late 30's who have good jobs) live in my bldg and some lure when they get back trom work.
Its handy if i see the two lured, after they end ill lure one up and half the time someone else will too and i can fish good shit.
Only worth it when tired becsuse i can just walk 5 blocks to the water tower area off mag mile and catch rares to ultra rare in the same amount of time.
>pic related, typical shitmons when i turn my phone on.