>>39405831Posts made in the very early Serebii days are pretty great anyway:
Now these are rubbish yet official from someone with an advanced version of the game, especially the last one seems fake. This stops all speculation with the finish of the name game (I bet half of these are wrong):
#162 Furret
#166 Ledian
#168 Ariados
#169 Crobat
#170 Chinchou
#171 Lanturn
#176 Togetic
#178 Xatu
#184 Azumarril
#186 Politoed
#189 Jumpluff
#190 Aipom
#192 Sunflora
#193 Yanma
#200 Misdreavus
#203 Girafarig
#205 Forretress
#210 Granbull
#216 Tediursa
#217 Ursaring
#218 Slugma
#219 Magcargo
#220 Swinub
#221 Piloswine
#222 Corsola
#223 Remoraid
#224 Octillery
#225 Delibird
#226 Mantine
#229 Houndoom
#230 Kingdra
#231 Phanpy
#233 Porygon2
#234 Stantler
#236 Tyrogue
#238 Smoochum
#240 Magby
#243 Raikou
#244 Entei
#245 Suicune
#246 Larvitar
#247 Pupitar
#248 Tyranitar
#251 Celebi