ITT we post 3 things we like from our least favorite game and unlimited things from our actual favorite game.
>A bunch of terrific Pokemon, like Sawsbuck and Chandelure>At least it tried to do something slightly different with the plot>The Xtransciever calls were cute, and your mom was really hotPokemon Platinum:
>Winter setting, fuck yes I love winter>Godlike music and soft colors make for the most comfy atmosphere so far>Togepi finally gets to grow up>The grass starter is badass looking and viable for once>HP Lovecraft esque plot with otherwordly horrors, an "evil team" that's actually a fucking Scientology cult>A ton of the new Pokemon have a nice round and cute aesthetic, like Rotom and Drifloon>Your rival, Barry, is nice but actually threatening in battle>One of the games where grinding is not so bad because they let you have a VS seeker relatively early>The stages where you travel w another trainer and battle with them actually give more of a friendship feel than all the stupid first town buddies you "travel" with>You can eventually buy a fucking house and gym leaders will come hang out with you>Cynthia and her terrifying Garchomp>seriously though, DAT MUSIC