Two names stood out to us as possible Chespin evolutions, however we only updated with the name origins of one. That was Hariboogu. Today we’ve looked back and it seems we were right in thinking there were two names that could relate to Chespin.
ハリボーグ/Hariboogu — This stays mostly the same as what we had: hari (ハリ) means pin/needle, but boogu could be a combination of 防具 (bougu) meaning armour, and the French word bogue (the shell of a chestnut). Strongly suggesting that Chespin could develop some sort of natural armour (something backed up by the next point).
ブリガロン/Burigaron — Here is the biggest deviation from what we originally had. Initially we believed it could have been some sort of ice wolf, we may have been completely wrong… Brigandine is a type of armour from the middle ages, this acts as the most likely origin of buriga (ブリガ). Ron is assumably from marron (meaning chestnut in French). These combination of words fit the potential theme set by Hariboogu. Chespin may evolve into a sort-of knight.