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I'm having luck with a support Toxicroak in online raids. Really helps esp if the rest of the raid is solid offense.
HP: 184, ATT: 252, SPE: 74
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Dry Skin
Tera: Doesn't matter. Mine is actually Fairy
@Mirror Herb but I've experimented with Shell Bell, Sludge and Snowball as well
>Mud Slap
>Swords Dance
Taunt ASAP to stop Double Team spam, then Mud Slap until the cows come home while your team boosts up. Cheer if needed, SD up once you feel good about the accuracy drops, and EQ to victory. If Greninja resets its stats, go back to Mud Slap. You almost never need to attack if the raid team is offensive so you can just play support. With Mirror Herb you get the Evasion boost as soon as Greninja Double Teams, and the only thing it hits you with that actually hurts is Ice Beam but you are just bulky enough for even that to be a 3HKO. You're not going to be the damage dealer so don't expect to be. Just play support and you're golden. I've debated switching to defensive nature and EVs, may play around but this works well on solo raids for other Pokemon as well with some moveset tweaking (I replace Mud Slap and EQ with Drain Punch and Tera Blast Fairy) and a Shell Bell. I've yet to have issues but I also don't go into raids where I know I need to be the major damage dealer bc that's not this thing's job!