inished with soulsilver. red replay:
>pikachuGrethcin tanks an iron tail and one shots with eq
>blastoise & venasaurHedvika comes in and captivates blastoise a few times and goes for a hypnosis, but red switches venasaur in. luckily the hypnosis lands. Calh switches in and uses flamethrower, hail damage finishes off venuasar. blastoise and Hedvika come back in, another hypnosis lands and two focus punches finish the turtle
>charizardHornsby lands a rock slide after an air slash does a lot of damage, both heal and repeat. a second heal for Hornsby while charizard uses flare blitz and succumbs to its own recoil damage
>laprasStag one shots with close combat
>snorlaxHedvika is back with the hypnosis/focus punch combo to finish the fight
gen 4 is finished, thinking about taking a break. i've never played a game beyond gen 4 so it feels like a good time, but i might change my mind tomorrow. who knows. this was a fun to to run with, have never really used magmar/magmortar or tauros before.
>>44358268got the image from twitter