>>54501235>>54501263And now, I take on Volkner.
I forgot to put my Iron Island catch on the image earlier>Vs Volkner>RaichuI start off with Stradivarius. Raichu uses Volt Switch, letting in...
>AmbipomWhich allows Stradivarius to put up Sticky Web.
I send in Plink on Fake Out.
Ambipom hits Plink with Thunderbolt, and then its Chople Berry prevents Drain Punch from getting the KO. Ambipom's Double Hit does pretty good damage, but a second Drain Punch finishes it off.
>Raichu (Spd Down)Medicham oneshots it with Drain Punch.
>Octillery (Spd Down)Drain Punch does big damage, but Octazooka is no slouch either. Bolkner very helpfully uses a Full Restore, so a second Drain Punch almost heals Plink fully. A third one finishes off Octillery.
>Luxray (Spd Down)It intimidates Plink. I swap in Kitten instead, and Luxray hits her with Iron Tail, getting an annoying Def drop. Earthquake hits Luxray hard, but doesn't KO- it activates the Sitrus Berry though. Crunch does pretty good damage after the Def drop earlier, but not enough to be dangerous, and a second EQ finishes Volkner off.