>>38191938Vs Hau
>Alolan Raichu Babs takes a Thunderbolt while Calm Minding, then exchanges a Shadow Ball for the Thunderbolt next time.
I think I'm about ot finish it off, but Hau withdraws it and sends in Tauros, who gets in for free on Shadow Ball.
>TaurosI switch in Buster for the intimidate, since Tauros is likely going for Iron Head. An Intimidate will make things much easier for Charity.
>Earthquake crit FUCK. It stings to lose a Mawile this late in the game.
Charity comes in and takes Tauros down fairly easily with a Trop Kick into a HJK.
>NoivernBabs is sent in and takes an Air Slash
The next Air Slash flinches Babs.
The third one does no such thing, and Moonblast KOs it.
>CrabominableI assumed Babs will outspeed it and I'm wrong, but get lucky and it misses Ice Hammer and dies to Moonblast
>Alolan Raichu againThunderbolt puts Babs in the red, but Shadow Ball takes out the rat.
>DecidueyeI send in Salem, who absorbs a BLOOM DOOM fairly well,
Smack Down does a fair bit of Damage, but Flare Blitz ends the match(with Salem deep in the red).