Alright I personally feel embarrassed that I get shoved into the same group as this fag here
>>13185744. Okay gender roles are indeed social concepts yes but so is your supposed absence of gender identities. If you raise a child as some gender neutral or whatever you want to call it you're also imposing your views on the child. Just the same thing as if you raised the child as the sex they were born. What one can do is raise the child with decision making skills and be able to form well thought out thoughts by the time they reach adulthood. If they believe they are one gender that's great and if they decide that they're the way they are that's great too. As long as they were able to be what gender they want to live as with certainty then there should be no problem either way. So when you make these kinds of statements you sound uneducated and so do the people who say that all queers are faggots.
In short it's a game for children and the characters there are for you to imagine them however you want. You can have Nate as the genderqueer you want to play as and call them Alyx or you can play as Rosa and be a
trap. It's pokemon use your imagination. You can imagine your pokemon to be gay or whatever. It's a game; use your imagination. As one trans person to whatever otherkin you are check your
tumblr shit