Unsure if this is common knowledge or not, but since my query wasn't answered in the last thread, I'll just post my solution here.
Was trying to figure out editing the locations for signs and people on maps in pokered assembly, and I could at first not make sense of the coordinates in this file
https://github.com/pret/pokered/blob/master/data/mapObjects/pallettown.asmSince the 0 counts as a value/number/whichever, the numbers 1-10 corresponds to 0-9, and after that, the letters a-f adds six more "numbers", so that 1-16 is 0-f. Each cycle through those values adds a one in front, so coordinate 27,34 would in this case be 1a,22. I think. Will probably be counting aloud many times since adding six more to the scale really throws me off.