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The bait fox was also mentioned last thread, [pic] is my original attempt at it. If anyone wants to have a go, here's the basic concept:
The Myxoma virus used in bait to kill off the rabbits from abroad. Not really, a much lighter concept stringing from it though.
The fox mon 'plants' itself into the ground with it's hind facing the surface,( e.g the tail resembles a bush/shrub with flowers resembling flowering vegetables) (makes for good camouflage for the fox mon as well as acting like bait) and attracts the cutter rabbits. When the rabbit(s) approaches to eat/cut it, the fox jumps out and using it's agile limbs(based on a whippet's - dogs used for rabbit hunting) , promptly chases after the rabbit(s), when it catches up to it/them, it injects poison into the rabbit through its fangs and thorns/pricks/stingers/sharp bits on its joints. But you're probably thinking "poison has no effect against steel (one of the most logical choices for a cutter rabbit with head/tail shears/scissors)." That's where the fox's signature ability will come in - perhaps an ability that allows it to bypass steel type's immunity to poison type attacks. Similar to the virus, it is able to break through the rabbit's resistances. Likewise, the fox mon would/could be part poison? The fox mon could be used by humans to rid of the cutter rabbit pests who keep cutting through fences and eating crops (similar to how the virus was put in bait to rid of rabbits eating crops after the fences failed). Suggested typings by people have been Normal/Fighting (to mirror the rabbit if Normal/Steel), just Fighting or Fighting/Poison (because while the rabbit is 'natural' adapting to its environment, the fox hound was specifically introduced/bred to hunt down the rabbit. Fighting type always felt like an artificial type based on behaviour, which is one of the key things breeding manipulates)(Poison being based on the virus). Maybe not grass type as the plant elements are more of a camouflage gimmick.