>>51273750The pedo argument is just an ad homimem that doesn't help your point. Them actually being rapists, pedos, murderers or whtever has nothing to do with how the meta is handled.
That being said, it is true the way the meta is handled is heavily flawed due to Smogon's hierarchy structure. Sometimes you'll have ABR using his influence to first remove sleep clause from gen 8 ou just to ask players to provide evidence proving his decision wrong (when it should have been him first the one proving the removal of SC was "benefitial" to the meta, which it was not, to no one's surprise), other times you'll have finch saying a certain controversial mon most of the player base wants either tested or outright banned, won't be tested at all... until he get's 6-0'd in the most humillating fashion by said mon during a tournament, only then that mon becomes test worthy; other times you'll have Finch insult people who didn't vote like him during a suspect process, even asking in a threatening way for opposing votes to be either ignored or changed; other times you'll have a prominent figure (within their social microcosmos) step up when discussion doesn't favor the council's narrative: pic related is a relatively popular user (who also happens to be a mod) asking users to "be better" when asking for a Toxapex ban, the thing is no one was being disrespectful, it's just that the arguments where so strong and a majority of the users involved where pro-ban, the staff had to resort to a "victimization" strategy to derail conversation from the ban.