>>40093017Gen I movesets are ass: the battle
>ReiAero slammed both Hitmons and Toxic'd the Onixes, Machamp hit scarily hard but that's it.
>BarbBatter used the Onix as juiceboxes and bullshit the others via Confuse Ray.
>GraceI have Moonlight.
>YachikoSurprise, Yellow did actually change the E4 by giving them better moves, but Onix is quite shit anyway. Still managed to spite me by never missing even at +5 evasion.
>>40093110Kanto lesson #1: Fear the rats. Always.
>>40094660Ngl seems like you might be in for kind of a doozy with good ol' Chuck, might wanna get swoler
>>40095253Looks like Coal's going to be big credit to team unless you get something neat in the next areas, Burgh's kind of annoying and Elesa has no issues overcoming the Grass resistance.
>>40096810...There is?? Fuck, might have to bullshit an exception rule or something when I get to it.
>>40097340Man, just one round of Autismlocke and that box looks massive.