>>31661400>What are you hunting?Bounsweet
>Last shiny?Dewpider
>What do you do with unsalvageable shinies? ie. wrong nature, no egg moves, wrong gender (read: male salandit)Pretty sure most of my non-event shinies are considered "unsalvageable" by the people on here, but I don't care about usability at all since I am a collector and 90% of my shinies are unviable shitmons I got because I love them, like Phione, which in fanmade, unnofficial formats, is bad even in PU. Thus, it makes zero difference if it's an optimal nature 6IV beast or a 2IV detrimental nature bubblebun. I mean, does it matter what nature my shiny Kabutops is?
TLDR I keep them all and horde them because I only get pokemon I like.