New Moves: 88/117/122/54/84/70/BST:535
New Abilities: Iron Barbs/Bulletproof/(HA)Overgrow
New Moves: Shell Smash, Darkest Lairat
New Stats: 75/59/72/124/100/105/BST:535
New Abilities: Magician/Psychic Surge/(HA)Blaze
Magician Buff: Current effect removed
New Effect: Boosts special Psychic, Fairy, Fire, Ice and Electric-Type attacks by 1.2x. Status moves become priority, except against Dark and Psychic-Type Pokemon
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Flash Cannon, Wood Hammer
New Stats: 72/95/67/103/76/122/BST:535
New Abilities: Unburden/Water Veil/(HA)Torrent
Water Veil Buff: Grants immunity to Fire-Type attacks. The Pokemon's partner gains burning immunity + resistance to Fire-Type moves
New Stats: 78/117/75/70/85/110/BST:535
New Abilities: Long Reach/Sharpshooter/(HA)Overgrow
Sharpshooter: Non-100% accurate moves gain a 1.2x damage boost
Long Reach Buff: Non-contact physical moves gain a 1.3x damage boost
New Moves: Agility, Spruce Missile, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stone Edge
New Stats: 95/120/90/60/90/80/BST:535
New Abilities: Immolate/Quick Feet/(HA)Blaze
Immolate: Normal-Type moves become Fire-Type + 1.3x base power
New Moves: Agility, Psychic Fangs
New Stats: 80/64/74/126/116/75/BST:535
New Abilities: Liquid Voice/Misty Meander/(HA)Torrent
Misty Meander: Doubled Speed in Misty Terrain
Liquid Voice Buff: Sound-based moves are increased by 1.3x accuracy
New Moves: Boomburst, Earth Power, Power Gem, Screech, Agility
>pic unrelated