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The Dream:
Stage 1
>Giant grub, effectively functions as sand worm
>Type: Bug/Ground
>Basically Onix stats if you swapped Defense and HP, plus swapped Attack and Speed. (Theoretically could be a regional)
>Some mediocre bug and ground moves, but also has priority moves for when it gets low
Stage 2
>Metamorphosis phase, looks similar to Cascoon/Silcoon
>Type: Bug/Steel
>Evolves somewhere from lvl. 30 to lvl. 40
>Basically Rhydon stats if its Attack stat was distributed across Special Attack and Special Defense
>Doesn't learn anything notable besides Rollout, Steel Roller and/or Steamroller
Stage 3
>Giant scarab monster
>Type: Bug/Dragon
>Evolves somewhere from lvl. 45 to lvl. 55
>Pseudolegendary, primary stats being Defense and Special Defense (~130 each), with decent HP, Attack and Special Attack (~90 each)
>Learns unique dragon-type move and can use various magic-esque attacks like Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, etc