>>41942554Quick doodle in paint to show the concept of them. A few of the symbols don't fit perfectly with the style that unown are in. Namely, Fire is too spikey, ghost and dark have too much "fill" for their line art style bodies, and dragon is too defined to really simplify. Pretty happy with how I resolved Fire and Dark, ghost and dragon likely need more work. If Normal type is included, it will have one of the half asleep eyes like the punctuation Unown. Also really happy with how that ones shape ends up naturally looking like a pokeball.
>>41942664I was going to have them be used to unlock certain things in game. Bonus 'dungeons' in each gym where you need that types Unown to access. Set up like the Trick House where it gets more and more complex as you progress through the floors, with you needing to progress a certain amount in the story to access the more difficult floors. I was toying with the idea of each one having 5 levels, and to progress to the next level you have to leave behind an Unown of the same type as the gym, which you get back when you lose a battle/clear the area/leave. So by the end of it you have to clear every floor with essentially only a single pokemon on your team. First level gives a TM, middle levels give various rewards, final level gives that types Plate. Collecting everyone Unown gifts you Type: Null, and clearing every 'dungeon' is needed to start the event to get Arceus in postgame.