>>21081651With Chesnaught down for the count, Noibat takes the opportunity to do all he can to stall for time until Greninja gets back. Unfortunately, there's only so many moves he can use.
And only so many ideas hanging around his mind. All he can do is fly over to Chesnaught and whisper random fibs and assorted jibba jabba in order to sway his attention.
>Chesnaught's Sp. Atk was lowered.."Grenin, greninn.."
Finally, Greninja returns, ready to settle this once and for all. The frog sends Noibat off to take a well-deserved break for buying all that time. Now a weakened Chesnaught lies before him, ripe for the rekting.
A) Use Hyper Beam!
B) Use Giga Impact!
C) Improvise a new move!