>>28487444Are you morons seriously arguing that people participating in a little bit of healthy a) art practice, b) story and character creation, and c) competition is WORSE than sitting on your ass playing video games and/or shitposting on an anonymous image board?
Sure, a lot of it is juvenile. Considering it's also focused on a franchise property, there are also limits on the sort of creativity and even (artistic/storytelling) skill building one can use. Yet it still offers more value in time spent then what we're all currently doing right now.
Don't even get me started on the massive hypocrisy of those who beg for lewds from anons about every and anything. Those artworks are mostly the same quality, sometimes even less so, than that of these silly OC-driven contests. All the same, everyone applauds the drawfags because "Yay, fap fodder!"