>>46442069You may or may not have had a bad relationship with cats in your past
>>46442104You probably jack off to Buzzwole in your free time not out of lust, but out of respect
>>46442176You smoke Eviolite like it’s crack
>>46442265You are or probably were that one weird art girl in your school who wanted to fuck the meme skeleton from undertale
>>46442325Based, and probably a gentle person
>>46442361You’re, well, moody.
>>46442378Based, also pretty chill and gentle like Golurkbro
>>46442408Gen 4 is your favourite gen
>>46442435You participate in every bara thread on the board
>>46442445You’re a normal ass person, unlike the Latias mfs...
>>46442450You’re chill, but never oblivious
>>46442532You can eat gas station sushi without getting food poison
>>46442551Probably a Halo fan
>>46442834Only faps to on-model Pokémon, despite fapping to them in the first place being kinda questionable
>>46442839You wish it was Water/Fighting
>>46442878I mean hey, at least you’re definitely normal, unlike most of this board